In a recent issue from the Chronicle of Higher Education, “The Awakening: Women and Power in the Academy,” Professor Martha Jones contributed a piece titled, “‘I Had a Dream About You Last Night – a Sexual Dream’: Women Have Heard It All.”
From the CHE issue:
“When it comes to silencing women,” writes Mary Beard, “Western culture has had thousands of years of practice.” Academe is no exception. A recent conference at Stanford University featured 30 speakers — all of them men, all of them white. The incident sparked ridicule and outrage, as well as a sense that higher education is facing a reckoning. Over the past few months, amid mounting revelations of sexual harassment, The Chronicle Review asked presidents and adjuncts, scientists and humanists, senior scholars and junior professors to take on the theme of women and power in academe. Here are their responses.”
Read Prof. Jones and other contributors responses at the above link.