UHA presents “New Voices in History”

The Undergraduate History Association (UHA) presents "New Voices in History," Wednesday, October 12th, 3:30-5:00pm, Gilman 300. Join us to meet new(ish) History faculty and discuss how their work highlights new voices in history. Meet: Dr. Didier Gondola, Dr. Minkah Makalani, Dr. Rao Mohsin Ali Noor, and Dr. Sasha Turner. @UHA_JHU

Baltimore Student and Civil Rights Activists. Then and Now (Part 2)

11.30 am to 2.30 pm: "Baltimore Student and Civil Rights Activists. Then and Now," part II, Eisenhower Library & Maryland 109 Community-based learning experience: students in "The Year 1968. Rebels, Revolutions and the Right-Wing Backlash" host the AP History class of the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute on Homewood campus. After a joint lunch receptions, students will tour the library, […]

Nathan Daniels, Dissertation Defense [Hybrid]

Gilman 308

Dissertation Title: “Minstrels, Guild Organization, and Medieval Urban Life: A Methodological Case Study of the Confraternity of Jongleurs in Paris, 1292-1350”