UHA presents “New Voices in History”

The Undergraduate History Association (UHA) presents "New Voices in History," Wednesday, October 12th, 3:30-5:00pm, Gilman 300. Join us to meet new(ish) History faculty and discuss how their work highlights new voices in history. Meet: Dr. Didier Gondola, Dr. Minkah Makalani, Dr. Rao Mohsin Ali Noor, and Dr. Sasha Turner. @UHA_JHU

Baltimore Student and Civil Rights Activists. Then and Now (Part 2)

11.30 am to 2.30 pm: "Baltimore Student and Civil Rights Activists. Then and Now," part II, Eisenhower Library & Maryland 109 Community-based learning experience: students in "The Year 1968. Rebels, Revolutions and the Right-Wing Backlash" host the AP History class of the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute on Homewood campus. After a joint lunch receptions, students will tour the library, […]

Nathan Daniels, Dissertation Defense [Hybrid]

Gilman 308

Dissertation Title: “Minstrels, Guild Organization, and Medieval Urban Life: A Methodological Case Study of the Confraternity of Jongleurs in Paris, 1292-1350”

Black Eagles

Just in time for the kick-off of this year's FIFA World Cup (Men), Hopkins students will have exclusive access to the award-winning documentary "Black Eagles" (2021) about the history of soccer players of color on the German national team and the racism they have encountered on and off the pitch. Access is funded by the Embassy […]

Roundtable conversation: “A Level Playing Field? Soccer and Racism in Germany”

1.30 -2.30 pm: Roundtable conversation "A Level Playing Field? Soccer and Racism in Germany," BSSC 512-514, Behavioral and Social Science Center Building, 1600 Havenwood Road, Baltimore, MD 21218 The former soccer pro, producer, agent, and media personality Shary Reeves, who is featured in "Black Eagles," will share her experiences with Hopkins and Morgan State students. She […]