News & Announcements Archive

Jessica Levy awarded the 2020 Herman E. Krooss Prize

Congratulations to PhD alumna, Jessica Levy, a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Virginia, on receiving the 2020 Herman E. Krooss Prize for her work entitled “Black Power, Inc.: […]

Diverse: Issues In Higher Education highlights 35 outstanding women during Women’s History Month

Congratulations to Professor Martha Jones who has been included in Diverse: Issues in Higher Education’s list of 35 leading women in higher education in 2020!

History Alumnus, Di Wang, inducted to Society of Scholars

Professor William Rowe’s former advisee, Di Wang, JHU History PhD 1999, has been named to the Society of Scholars, the Krieger School’s honor society for its most distinguished doctoral graduates. […]

Johnson’s “Markup Bodies” a Duke University Press “Top 10 Most Read in 2019”

Alongside “On Necropolitics” by Achille Mbembe and “Punks, Bulldaggers and Welfare Queens” by Cathy Cohen, Professor Jessica Johnson’s Markup Bodies was one of Duke University Press’s top ten most read articles […]

Fantasy and the Forbidden City

Professor Tobie Meyer-Fong’s recent essay published in The China Channel titled, “Fantasy and the Forbidden City,” focuses on the Chinese soap opera The Story of Yanxi Palace (延禧攻略) and how […]

America must invest in knowledge infrastructure to address global challenges

Professor Tobie Meyer-Fong’s recent policy op-ed titled, “America must invest in knowledge infrastructure to address global challenges,” was featured in The Hill.

Professor Jones book makes the ZORA Magazine’s 100 Best Books by Black Women Authors

Congratulations to Professor Martha Jones whose 2007 book, “All Bound Up Together: The Women Question in African American Public Culture, 1830-1900” made ZORA Magazine’s comprehensive list of 100 greatest books […]