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Angus Burgin

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Research Interests: 20th-century United States, political history, intellectual history, and history of capitalism

Education: PhD, Harvard University

N. D. B. Connolly

Herbert Baxter Adams Associate Professor of History

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Research Interests: Twentieth-century America, racism, capitalism, urban and suburban history, and African diaspora

Education: PhD, University of Michigan

Mary Fissell

Professor; joint appointment with the History of Medicine

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Research Interests: Early-modern medicine, the patient's perspective in the history of medicine, gender, sexuality, and the history of the body, popular culture, and books and reading in early modern England and the Atlantic world

Education: PhD, University of Pennsylvania

François Furstenberg

Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

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Research Interests: United States, c. 18th and 19th centuries and French Atlantic

Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Jules Gill-Peterson

Associate Professor and Diversity Champion

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Research Interests: Transgender history, history of sexuality, gender and race, and history of science and medicine

Education: PhD, Rutgers University

Didier Gondola


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Research Interests: Popular cultures, masculinities, 20th-century African Diaspora, and the social impact of Chinese commodities on urban Africa

Education: PhD, Université Paris

Victoria Harms

Associate Teaching Professor

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Research Interests: 20th and 21st- century European history, Cold War, sports history, racism, democracy and backsliding

Education: PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Katie Hindmarch-Watson

Associate Professor

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Research Interests: Modern Britain and the British Empire, urban space, gender and sexuality, and labor and technology

Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Louis R. Hyman

Dorothy Ross Professor of Political Economy in History and Professor at the SNF Agora Institute

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Research Interests: U.S. history, capitalism, financial, economic, labor, business, consumer, policy history, and quantitative methods

Education: PhD, Harvard University

Lawrence Jackson

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of English and History

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Research Interests: African American Literature, Literary History, Biography, and American History

Education: PhD, Stanford University

Peter Jelavich


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Research Interests: Cultural and intellectual history of Europe since the Enlightenment, with emphasis on Germany, popular culture, mass culture, and the media, and modern social and cultural theory

Education: PhD, Princeton University

Jessica Marie Johnson (she/her/ella)

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Research Interests: Women, gender, and sexuality in the African diaspora, histories of slavery and the slave trade, and digital history and new media

Education: PhD, University of Maryland, College Park

Martha S. Jones (she/her/hers)

Society of Black Alumni Presidential Professor, Professor of History, Professor at the SNF Agora Institute, and Director of Graduate Studies

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Research Interests: Race and rights in the 19th century U.S. with an emphasis on slavery, law, gender, and visual culture

Education: PhD, Columbia University

Michael Kwass


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Research Interests: Early Modern France and French Empire, French Revolution, political economy, capitalism, and globalization

Education: PhD, University of Michigan

Anne E. Lester

John W. Baldwin and Jenny Jochens Associate Professor of Medieval History

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Research Interests: Medieval Europe, Materialities, Crusade Cultures, Religious Movements and Monasticism, Women and Gender, Law and Society, Urban Life and the Environment

Education: PhD, Princeton University

Julian Lim

Arthur Eisenberg and Susan Engel Associate Professor

Contact Information

Research Interests: Immigration, North American Borders and Borderlands, Race; Law, U.S. West, Pacific World, 19th-20th century U.S. History, and U.S. Expansion and Empire

Education: PhD, Cornell University

James Loeffler

Felix Posen Professor in Modern Jewish History and Director of the Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Jewish Studies Program

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Research Interests: Modern Jewish History, Global Eastern Europe, Cultural and Legal History, Antisemitism, Human Rights, Genocide, and International Law

Education: PhD, Columbia University

Diego Javier Luis

Rohrbaugh Family Assistant Professor

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Research Interests: Colonial Latin America, Spanish Pacific, Early Philippines, Global Diasporas, Race-Making, History of Slavery

Education: PhD, Brown University

Casey Lurtz (she/her)

Associate Professor

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Research Interests: Modern Mexico and Latin America more broadly, rural and agricultural history, commodities, history of development, economic history, and Atlantic history

Education: PhD, University of Chicago

Pawel Maciejko

Associate Professor, Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Chair in Classical Jewish Religion, Thought, and Culture

Contact Information

Research Interests: Early modern history, Jewish history, intellectual history, and East-Central Europe

Education: DPhil, University of Oxford

Minkah Makalani

Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Africana Studies

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Research Interests: Intellectual history, black internationalism, political theory, Caribbean independence, Black Power, race and racial identity, and artistry

Education: PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

John Marshall

Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Professor of History

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Research Interests: Early Modern British and Early Modern British Imperial History, Early Modern European Cultural and Intellectual History, and the History of Political Thought

Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Laura Mason

Teaching Professor

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Research Interests: French Revolution, democracy and violence, cultural history and media, history and film, and French film

Education: PhD, Princeton University

Tobie Meyer-Fong

Professor and Department Chair

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Research Interests: East Asia, especially social and cultural history of China since 1600

Education: PhD, Stanford University

R. M. A. Noor

Assistant Professor

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Research Interests: Early Modern Ottoman Empire, Islam, Sufism, Occultism, the Body, the Senses, and Kingship, History of Religion

Education: PhD, University of Chicago

Sarah Pearsall


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Research Interests: Early American history, American Revolution, Atlantic history, Caribbean history, gender, households, and sexualities

Education: PhD, Harvard University

Erin Rowe (she/her)


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Research Interests: Early modern Spain, the Mediterranean, saints and sanctity, and women and gender

Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University

William Rowe

John and Diane Cooke Professor of Chinese History

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Research Interests: Modern East Asia, especially socioeconomic, urban history

Education: PhD, Columbia University

Stuart Schrader

Associate Professor of History and Director of the Chloe Center for the Critical Study of Racism, Immigration, and Colonialism

Contact Information

Research Interests: Policing, racial inequality in criminal punishment, war and empire, historical-comparative methods, social theory

Education: PhD, New York University

Todd Shepard

Arthur O. Lovejoy Professor

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Research Interests: Modern France and French empire, decolonization, and gender and sexuality

Education: PhD, Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Elizabeth Thornberry

Associate Professor

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Research Interests: History of gender, sexuality, empire, and law in Southern Africa and across the continent

Education: PhD, Stanford University

Sasha Turner

Associate Professor

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Research Interests: Caribbean and African Diaspora social and cultural histories, women and children, the body and emotions, reproduction, nursing, midwifery, and community health care

Education: PhD, University of Cambridge

Leah Wright Rigueur

SNF Agora Institute Associate Professor of History

Contact Information

Research Interests: 20th Century United States political and social history, Modern African American history, with an emphasis on race and political ideology, the American Presidency and presidential elections, policies and civil rights movements, and protest and unrest in the United States

Education: PhD, Princeton University

research professors

Tamer el-Leithy

Research Assistant Professor

Contact Information

Research Interests: Social & Cultural History of the Medieval Middle East and Mediterranean, History of Religious Difference, Arabic and Judeo-Arabic documents, the Cairo Geniza, and Arabic Documentary Cultures

Education: PhD, Princeton University

Louis Galambos

Research Professor

Contact Information

Research Interests: Economic, business, and political history of the United States with emphasis on institutional change in the period since 1880

Education: PhD, Yale University

postdoctoral fellows

Blake Grindon (she/her)

Patrick Henry Postdoctoral Fellow

Contact Information

Research Interests: The American Revolution, African American History, Canadian History, Cultural History, Early America, French and British Imperialism, Military History, Native American History, History of Slavery, History of Race, and Visual and Material Culture

Education: PhD, Princeton University

emeritus professors

Sara Berry

Professor Emerita

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Education: PhD, University of Michigan

Jeffrey Brooks

Professor Emeritus

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Research Interests: Russian culture and politics 19th-20th century, Russian literature and history, Russian popular culture, and the Cold War

Education: PhD, Stanford University

Toby Ditz

Professor Emerita and Academy Professor

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Research Interests: History of early America and the Atlantic world, cultural history, and the history of women, gender, and masculinity

Education: PhD, Columbia University

Michael P. Johnson

Professor Emeritus

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Research Interests: Nineteenth-century United States history with emphasis on slavery and the South

Education: PhD, Stanford University

Richard Kagan

Academy Professor and Arthur O. Lovejoy Professor Emeritus of History

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Research Interests: Early modern European history

Franklin W. Knight

Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Professor Emeritus of History

Contact Information

Research Interests: Latin American and Caribbean social and economic history with an emphasis on the late colonial period, American slave systems, and the modern Caribbean

Education: PhD, University of Wisconsin—Madison

Ruth Leys

Academy Professor and Henry Wiesenfeld Professor Emerita of the Humanities

Contact Information

Research Interests: History and theory of psychoanalysis, history of psychiatry and psychology, 19th- and 20th-century intellectual history, and feminist theory

Philip D. Morgan

Harry C. Black Professor Emeritus of History

Contact Information

Research Interests: Early Modern colonial British America and slavery

Education: PhD, University College London

Randall M. Packard

Professor Emeritus, joint appointment with History of Medicine

Contact Information

Research Interests: Social history of disease and healing in Africa, history of public health, and the history of colonial and post-colonial medicine

Education: PhD, University of Wisconsin

Mary Ryan

John Martin Vincent Professor of History Emerita

Contact Information

Research Interests: Nineteenth-century United States, urban, cultural landscape, and gender history

Education: PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

Gabrielle Spiegel

Krieger-Eisenhower Professor Emerita

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Research Interests: Medieval history, with special interest in historiography and linguistic analysis

Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Judith Walkowitz

Professor Emerita

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Research Interests: Modern European cultural and social history with special interest in Great Britain and comparative women's history

Education: PhD, University of Rochester

Ronald Walters

Professor Emeritus

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Research Interests: Social and cultural history of the United States with special interest in radicalism, reform, race, and popular culture

Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley

In Memoriam

Shani Mott


Contact Information

Education: PhD, University of Michigan

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