The Trouble of Color: An American Family Memoir
Martha S. Jones
Basic Books ,2025
A Jew in the Street: New Perspectives on European Jewish History
James Loeffler
Wayne State University Press ,2024
The Making of Dissidents: Hungary’s Democratic Opposition and its Western Friends, 1973-1998
Victoria Harms
University of Pittsburgh Press ,2024
Computational Humanities: Debates in the Digital Humanities
Jessica Marie Johnson
University of Minnesota Press ,2024
The First Asians in the Americas: A Transpacific History
Diego Javier Luis
Harvard University Press ,2024
The French Revolution: A Document Collection (Second Edition, Revised)
Laura Mason
Hackett Publishing Company ,2023
The Last Revolutionaries: The Conspiracy Trial of Gracchus Babeuf and the Equals
Laura Mason
Yale University Press ,2022
The Consumer Revolution, 1650-1800
Michael Kwass
Cambridge University Press ,2022
Matswa vivant: Anticolonialisme et citoyenneté en Afrique Equatoriale française
Didier Gondola
Ed Sorbonne ,2021
Porous Borders: Multiracial Migrations and the Law in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
Julian Lim
The University of North Carolina Press ,2020
躁動的亡魂: 太平天國戰爭的暴力、失序與死亡 (Traditional Chinese Edition)
Tobie Meyer-Fong
衛城出版 ,2020
Serving a Wired World: London’s Telecommunications Workers and the Making of an Information Capital
Katie Hindmarch-Watson
University of California Press ,2020
Wicked Flesh: Black Women, Intimacy, and Freedom in the Atlantic World
Jessica Marie Johnson
University of Pennsylvania Press ,2020
Martha S. Jones
Basic Books ,2020
Black Saints in Early Modern Global Catholicism
Erin Rowe
Cambridge University Press ,2020
Badges Without Borders: How Global Counterinsurgency Transformed American Policing
Stuart Schrader
University of California Press ,2019
The Law of Strangers: Jewish Lawyers and International Law in the Twentieth Century
James Loeffler
Cambridge University Press ,2019
Polygamy: An Early American History
Sarah Pearsall
Yale University Press ,2019
Contested Bodies: Pregnancy, Childrearing, and Slavery in Jamaica
Sasha Turner
University of Pennsylvania Press ,2019
The Firebird and the Fox: Russian Culture under Tsars and Bolsheviks
Jeffrey Brooks
Cambridge University Press ,2019
From the Grounds Up
Casey Lurtz
Stanford University Press ,2019
Rooted Cosmopolitans: Jews and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century
James Loeffler
Yale University Press ,2018
Histories of the Transgender Child
Jules Gill-Peterson
University of Minnesota Press ,2018
Colonizing Consent: Rape and Governance in South Africa’s Eastern Cape
Elizabeth Thornberry
Cambridge University Press ,2018
Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America
Martha S. Jones
Cambridge University Press ,2018
Sex, France, and Arab Men, 1962-1979
Todd Shepard
University of Chicago Press ,2018
Shopping for Change: Consumer Activism and the Possibilities of Purchasing Power
Louis R. Hyman
ILR Press ,2017
The Early Modern Hispanic World: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Approaches
Erin Rowe
Cambridge University Press ,2017
Tropical Cowboys: Westerns, Violence, and Masculinity in Kinshasa (African Expressive Cultures)
Didier Gondola
Indiana University Press ,2016
The Loneliness of the Black Republican: Pragmatic Politics and the Pursuit of Power
Leah Wright Rigueur
Princeton University Press ,2016
Guerre d’Algérie : le sexe outragé
Todd Shepard
PAYOT ,2016
French Mediterraneans: Transnational and Imperial Histories
Todd Shepard
University of Nebraska Press ,2016
The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement 1755-1816
Pawel Maciejko
University of Pennsylvania Press ,2015
Medieval Materiality
Anne E. Lester
Special Issue of English Language Notes 53.2 ,2015
Toward an Intellectual History of Black Women
Martha S. Jones
University of North Carolina Press ,2015
Crusades and Memory: Rethinking Past and Present
Anne E. Lester
Routledge ,2015
American Capitalism: A Reader
Louis R. Hyman
Simon & Schuster ,2014
A World More Concrete: Real Estate and the Remaking of Jim Crow South Florida
N. D. B. Connolly
University of Chicago Press ,2014
When the United States Spoke French: Five Refugees Who Shaped a Nation
François Furstenberg
Penguin Press ,2014
Early North America in Global Perspective
Philip D. Morgan
Routledge ,2014
Contraband: Louis Mandrin and the Making of a Global Underground
Michael Kwass
Harvard University Press ,2014
Voices of Decolonization: A Brief History with Documents
Todd Shepard
Bedford/St. Martin's ,2014
Escape from New York: The New Negro Renaissance beyond Harlem
Minkah Makalani
University of Minnesota Press ,2013
What Remains: Coming to Terms with Civil War in 19th Century China
Tobie Meyer-Fong
Stanford University Press ,2013
Borrow: The American Way of Debt
Louis R. Hyman
Vintage ,2012
The Great Persuasion: Reinventing Free Markets since the Depression
Angus Burgin
Harvard University Press ,2012
China’s Last Empire: The Great Qing
William Rowe
Belknap Press ,2012
Nights Out: Life in Cosmopolitan London
Judith Walkowitz
Yale University Press ,2012
Maritime Slavery
Philip D. Morgan
Routledge ,2012
Debtor Nation: The History of America in Red Ink
Louis R. Hyman
Princeton University Press ,2011
In the Cause of Freedom: Radical Black Internationalism from Harlem to London, 1917-1939
Minkah Makalani
University of North Carolina Press ,2011
Creating Cistercian Nuns: The Women’s Religious Movement and Its Reform in Thirteenth-Century Champagne
Anne E. Lester
Cornell University Press ,2011
Saint and Nation: Santiago, Teresa of Avila, and Plural Identities in Early Modern Spain
Erin Rowe
Penn State University Press ,2011
The Oxford Handbook of the Atlantic World, 1450-1850
Philip D. Morgan
Oxford University Press ,2011
The Most Musical Nation: Jews and Culture in the Late Russian Empire
James Loeffler
Yale University Press ,2010
Domestic Violence and the Law in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa
Elizabeth Thornberry
Ohio University Press ,2010
John Locke, Toleration and Early Enlightenment Culture
John Marshall
Cambridge University Press ,2010
Cities, Texts, and Social Networks, 400-1500: Experiences and Perceptions of Medieval Urban Space
Anne E. Lester
Ashgate ,2010
African American Life in the Georgia Lowcountry: The Atlantic World and the Gullah Geechee
Philip D. Morgan
University of Georgia Press ,2010
Frenchness and the African Diaspora: Identity and Uprising in Contemporary France (African Expressive Cultures)
Didier Gondola
Indiana University Press ,2009
Atlantic Families: Lives and Letters in the Later Eighteenth Century
Sarah Pearsall
Oxford University Press ,2009
Atlantic History: A Critical Appraisal
Philip D. Morgan
Oxford University Press ,2009
Atlantic Diasporas: Jews, Conversos, and Crypto-Jews in the Age of Mercantilism, 1500-1800
Philip D. Morgan
Johns Hopkins University Press ,2009
1962 : Comment l’indépendance algérienne a transformé la France
Todd Shepard
PAYOT ,2008
The Invention of Decolonization: The Algerian War and the Remaking of France
Todd Shepard
Cornell University Press ,2008
All Bound Up Together: The Woman Question in African American Public Culture, 1830-1900
Martha S. Jones
University of North Carolina Press ,2007
Africanisme: la crise d’une illusion (French Edition)
Didier Gondola
L'Harmattan ,2007
In the Name of the Father: Washington’s Legacy, Slavery, and the Making of a Nation
François Furstenberg
Penguin Books ,2007
Vernacular Bodies: The Politics of Reproduction in Early Modern England
Mary Fissell
Oxford University Press ,2007
Heresy, Literature and Politics in Early Modern English Culture
John Marshall
Cambridge University Press ,2006
Privilege and the Politics of Taxation in Eighteenth-Century France: Liberté, Égalité, Fiscalité
Michael Kwass
Cambridge University Press ,2006
Mysteries of Sex: Tracing Women and Men Through American History
Mary Ryan
The University of North Carolina Press ,2006
Lenin and the Making of the Soviet State: A Brief History with Documents
Jeffrey Brooks
Bedford/St. Martin's ,2006
Crimson Rain: Seven Centuries of Violence in a Chinese County
William Rowe
Stanford University Press ,2006
Berlin Alexanderplatz: Radio, Film, and the Death of Weimar Culture
Peter Jelavich
University of California Press ,2006
Arming Slaves: From Classical Times to the Modern Era
Philip D. Morgan
Yale University Press ,2006
Practicing History: New Directions in Historical Writing after the Linguistic Turn
Gabrielle Spiegel
Routledge ,2005
Black Experience and the Empire
Philip D. Morgan
Oxford University Press ,2004
When Russia Learned to Read: Literacy and Popular Literature, 1861-1917
Jeffrey Brooks
Northwestern University Press ,2003
Building Culture in Early Qing Yangzhou
Tobie Meyer-Fong
Stanford University Press ,2003
The History of Congo
Didier Gondola
Greenwood ,2002
Saving the World: Chen Hongmou and Elite Consciousness in Eighteenth-Century China
William Rowe
Stanford University Press ,2002
Thank You, Comrade Stalin! Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War
Jeffrey Brooks
Princeton University Press ,2001
Primers for Prudery: Sexual Advice to Victorian America
Angus Burgin
Johns Hopkins University Press ,2000
The French Revolution: A Document Collection
Laura Mason
Cengage Learning ,1998
Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry
Philip D. Morgan
The University of North Carolina Press ,1998
American Reformers, 1815-1860
Angus Burgin
Hill and Wang ,1997
Singing the French Revolution: Popular Culture and Revolutionary Politics in Paris, 1789-1799
Laura Mason
Cornell University Press ,1996
Romancing the Past: The Rise of Vernacular Historiography in Thirteenth-Century France
Gabrielle Spiegel
University of California Press ,1995
John Locke: Resistance, Religion and Responsibility
John Marshall
Cambridge University Press ,1994
Berlin Cabaret
Peter Jelavich
Harvard University Press ,1993
Diversity and Unity in Early North America
Philip D. Morgan
Routledge ,1993
Cultivation and Culture: Labor and the Shaping of Slave Life in the Americas
Philip D. Morgan
University of Virginia Press ,1993
City of Dreadful Delight: Narratives of Sexual Danger in Late-Victorian London
Judith Walkowitz
University of Chicago Press ,1992
The Slaves’ Economy: Independent Production by Slaves in the Americas
Philip D. Morgan
Routledge ,1991
Strangers Within the Realm: Cultural Margins of the First British Empire
Philip D. Morgan
University of North Carolina Press and Institute of Early American History and Culture, ,1991